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Competências, papéis e fun es dos poderes municipais no contexto da administra o pública contemporanea =Powers, roles and functions of municipal authorities within the context of contemporary public administration
Klering, Luis Roque et al.
Análise , 2011,
Abstract: Este artigo tem por finalidade apresentar as competências, papéis e fun es municipais no contexto da administra o pública contemporanea, sobretudo a partir do entendimento das fun es dos poderes Legislativo e Executivo como partes inter- dependentes dos governos municipais. Assim, enfoca especialmente a evolu o das novas preocupa es municipais, identificando as fun es que est o ampliando (ou diminuindo) sua importancia no contexto das competências e administra es municipais, apresentando de forma comparativa as despesas por fun es nos municípios brasileiros entre 2006 e 2008, e concluindo com a proposi o de quest es referentes a a es governamentais inovadoras e atributos de projetos inovadores na esfera municipal. The intent of this article is to present municipal powers, responsibilities and functions within the context of contemporary public administration, based in particular on the understanding of legislative and executive powers as interdependent parts of municipal government. Therefore, it focuses especially on the evolution of new municipal concerns, identifying the functions that are expanding (or decreasing) its importance in the context of municipal powers and administration, presenting in a comparative manner the expenses of Brazilian local governments, by functions, between 2006 and 2008, and ending with the proposition of issues in regard to innovative governmental actions and attributes of innovative projects in the municipal realm.
Microinfiltra o em restaura es de resina de classe II usando diferentes técnícas restauradoras=Microleakage in class II composite restorations using different restorative techniques
Ramos, Oscar Luis Vasquez et al.
Revista Odonto Ciência , 2006,
Abstract: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a infiltra o marginal de restaura es classe II com margens cervicais em dentina utilizando diferentes técnicas restauradoras. Foram utilizados quarenta e oito molares humanos hígidos com cavidades proximais padronizadas nas faces mesial e distal com margens cervicais em dentina. Ambas, cavidades e restaura es, foram realizadas pelo mesmo operador. As cavidades foram restauradas através da técnica incremental modificada de Pollack (1988). Os dentes foram aleatoriamente divididos em quatro grupos (n = 12) e restaurados como segue: Grupo 1 (controle) - Z-250 (3M/ESPE); Grupo 2 - Vitremer (3M/ESPE) + Z-250; Grupo 3 - F2000 (3M/ESPE) + Z-250; Grupo 4 - Flow-it (3M/ESPE) + Z-250. O sistema adesivo Single Bond (3M/ESPE) foi aplicado seguindo as instru es do fabricante. Após acabamento e polimento, os dentes foram termociclados por 500 ciclos, entre 5 e 55°C, e impermeabilizados com esmalte de unha, sendo imersos em corante azul de metileno a 1% por 12 horas. Os espécimes foram seccionados e a infiltra o avaliada de acordo com ranking padronizado (0-3), por três avaliadores previamente calibrados. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística utilizando o teste n o paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0. 05). A penetra o do corante atingiu o grau máximo na maioria dos espécimes. O grupo 1 apresentou menores valores de infiltra o diferindo estatisticamente dos outros grupos. Os grupos 2 e 3 apresentaram valores intermediários, enquanto o grupo 4 teve os valores mais altos, sem, porém, ser estatisticamente diferente do grupo 3. Nenhum grupo foi capaz de selar completamente a interface adesiva.
Capacidade de abaixamento de temperatura da superfície interna da camara pulpar após a aplica o do gás refrigerante à base de tetrafluoretano em dente extraído hígido e restaurado
Irala, Luis Eduardo Duarte et al.
Revista Odonto Ciência , 2007,
Abstract: O sucesso do tratamento endod ntico está relacionado diretamente a um correto diagnóstico. Entre os recursos semiotécnicos empregados em Endodontia, o teste de vitalidade pulpar com gás refrigerante constitui auxílio clínico destinado a despertar resposta da polpa. Existem dificuldades de interpreta o das respostas sensoriais em dentes portadores de restaura es, que podem agir como condutoras ou isolantes térmicos, diminuindo a acurácia do teste semiotécnico. Por isso, este estudo teve como intuito avaliar em um dente canino superior humano extraído a capacidade de abaixamento de temperatura da superfície interna da camara pulpar após a aplica o do gás refrigerante à base de tetrafluoretano em três diferentes situa es clínicas. No dente inicialmente hígido, posteriormente quando restaurado com amálgama e, finalmente, quando removida a restaura o de amálgama e restaurado com resina composta. Quando o teste envolveu o dente restaurado com amálgama, o grau de abaixamento de temperatura foi maior, estatisticamente significativo, em rela o às outras duas situa es. No que concerne ao do tempo necessário para atingir a temperatura mínima, n o existiram diferen as estatísticas significantes entre o dente hígido e o dente com amálgama, também n o houve diferen as estatísticas entre o dente hígido e o dente com resina. Entretanto, o dente restaurado com resina e o dente restaurado com amálgama s o diferentes estatisticamente. O amálgama foi o material que oportunizou o menor tempo para chegar à temperatura mais baixa. Ao executar um teste semiotécnico com spray refrigerante, o tempo e a intensidade das respostas dolorosas podem variar quando existe algum material a ser transposto na superfície dentária.
The importance of early diagnosis and an accurate tumoral evaluation in the treatment of mandibular osteossarcoma = Importancia do diagnóstico precoce e de uma precisa avalia o tumoral no tratamento de um osteossarcoma em mandíbula
Ribeiro, André Luis Ribeiro et al.
Revista Odonto Ciência , 2010,
Abstract: Objetivo: O osteossarcoma é uma neoplasia maligna do osso que possui um comportamento clínico agressivo, geralmente diagnosticado em estados tardios da doen a, quando o tumor primário atinge dimens es significativas. Em muitos casos, tratamento cirúrgico agressivo com grandes ressec es ósseas e a necessidade de associa o à rádio ou quimioterapia se fazem necessários para melhor controle de recidivas locais e metástases em tais les es. Descri o do Caso: No presente trabalho os autores relataram um caso de osteossarcoma na regi o de corpo e ramo mandibular esquerdo diagnosticado precocemente e avaliado de forma precisa pela tomografia computadorizada Cone Beam. Conclus o: O diagnóstico precoce do osteossarcoma é uma condi o pouco comum que afeta de forma favorável tanto o tratamento quanto o prognóstico deste tumor. A associa o deste diagnóstico precoce com uma avalia o precisa do envolvimento tumoral foram determinantes na execu o de um tratamento cirúrgico conservador e ainda assim com finalidade curativa, com um mínimo de seqüelas. O espa o pericementário deve ser especialmente observado, pois seu espessamento é muito mais comum em osteossarcomas. Estudos que possibilitem identificar esta les o de forma mais precoce e precisa devem realizados, a fim de possibilitar uma sobrevida maior com melhor qualidade de vida.
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) allows the automatic identification of follicles in microscopic images of human ovarian tissue
Thomas W Kelsey, Benedicta Caserta, Luis Castillo, et al
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International , 2010, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/PLMI.S11116
Abstract: oliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) allows the automatic identification of follicles in microscopic images of human ovarian tissue Original Research (2970) Total Article Views Authors: Thomas W Kelsey, Benedicta Caserta, Luis Castillo, et al Published Date August 2010 Volume 2010:2 Pages 99 - 105 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/PLMI.S11116 Thomas W Kelsey1, Benedicta Caserta2, Luis Castillo2, W Hamish B Wallace3, Francisco Cóppola Gonzálvez4 1School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, UK; 2Pereira Rossell Hospital, ASSE, Ministry of Public Health, Montevideo, Uruguay; 3Division of Child Life and Health, Department of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 4Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology C, School of Medicine, University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay Background: Human ovarian reserve is defined by the population of nongrowing follicles (NGFs) in the ovary. Direct estimation of ovarian reserve involves the identification of NGFs in prepared ovarian tissue. Previous studies involving human tissue have used hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain, with NGF populations estimated by human examination either of tissue under a microscope, or of images taken of this tissue. Methods: In this study we replaced HE with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and automated the identification and enumeration of NGFs that appear in the resulting microscopic images. We compared the automated estimates to those obtained by human experts, with the “gold standard” taken to be the average of the conservative and liberal estimates by three human experts. Results: The automated estimates were within 10% of the “gold standard”, for images at both 100× and 200× magnifications. Automated analysis took longer than human analysis for several hundred images, not allowing for breaks from analysis needed by humans. Conclusion: Our results both replicate and improve on those of previous studies involving rodent ovaries, and demonstrate the viability of large-scale studies of human ovarian reserve using a combination of immunohistochemistry and computational image analysis techniques.
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) allows the automatic identification of follicles in microscopic images of human ovarian tissue
Thomas W Kelsey,Benedicta Caserta,Luis Castillo,et al
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International , 2010,
Abstract: Thomas W Kelsey1, Benedicta Caserta2, Luis Castillo2, W Hamish B Wallace3, Francisco Cóppola Gonzálvez41School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, UK; 2Pereira Rossell Hospital, ASSE, Ministry of Public Health, Montevideo, Uruguay; 3Division of Child Life and Health, Department of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 4Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology C, School of Medicine, University of the Republic, Montevideo, UruguayBackground: Human ovarian reserve is defined by the population of nongrowing follicles (NGFs) in the ovary. Direct estimation of ovarian reserve involves the identification of NGFs in prepared ovarian tissue. Previous studies involving human tissue have used hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain, with NGF populations estimated by human examination either of tissue under a microscope, or of images taken of this tissue.Methods: In this study we replaced HE with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and automated the identification and enumeration of NGFs that appear in the resulting microscopic images. We compared the automated estimates to those obtained by human experts, with the “gold standard” taken to be the average of the conservative and liberal estimates by three human experts.Results: The automated estimates were within 10% of the “gold standard”, for images at both 100× and 200× magnifications. Automated analysis took longer than human analysis for several hundred images, not allowing for breaks from analysis needed by humans.Conclusion: Our results both replicate and improve on those of previous studies involving rodent ovaries, and demonstrate the viability of large-scale studies of human ovarian reserve using a combination of immunohistochemistry and computational image analysis techniques.Keywords: histology, feature detection, ovarian reserve, immunohistochemistry, biological clock
Toxicity of Spathodea campanulata P Beauvois (Scrophulariales: Bignoniaceae) aqueous extracts against immature stages of Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory conditions
Jose Luis Torres-Estrada, Julio Cesar Velazquez Gonzalez, Silvany M Rios Delgado, et al
Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine , 2010, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/RRTM.S14130
Abstract: xicity of Spathodea campanulata P Beauvois (Scrophulariales: Bignoniaceae) aqueous extracts against immature stages of Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory conditions Original Research (3966) Total Article Views Authors: Jose Luis Torres-Estrada, Julio Cesar Velazquez Gonzalez, Silvany M Rios Delgado, et al Published Date December 2010 Volume 2010:1 Pages 83 - 87 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/RRTM.S14130 Jose Luis Torres-Estrada1, Julio Cesar Velazquez Gonzalez1, Silvany M Rios Delgado1, María Guadalupe Vazquez-Martinez1, R Patricia Penilla-Navarro1, Americo D Rodriguez1 1Centro Regional de Investigación en Salud Pública, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Colonia Centro, Tapachula, Chiapas, México Purpose: To determine the effects of African tulip Spathodea campanulata aqueous extracts on every immature stage of Anopheles albimanus under laboratory conditions. Methods: The extract was obtained making an incision on the apical part of prefloral bulbs, and two sets of dilutions with distilled water were prepared. The first set was used at 50%, 20%, 10%, 5%, and 2.5% concentrations in bioassays to test its effect on egg-hatching inhibition. The second set was used at 10%, 5%, 1%, 0.1%, and 0.01% to test toxicity on larvae and pupae. Also, residual efficacy and lethal time (LT) were estimated. Results: The highest inhibition (87.5%) recorded for egg hatching was at a 50% concentration. Third and fourth instar larvae and pupae were the most susceptible to 10% and 5% of S. campanulata aqueous extracts, with 98.3%–100% mortality. The residual activity with 10% concentration persisted 7 days, with 100% mortality, and LT for 99% mortality (LT99) was 2.28 hours on third instar larvae, 1.7 hours on fourth instar larvae, and 2.25 hours on pupae. Conclusion: S. campanulata extracts are promising as biolarvicides. Further toxicological and chromatographic studies are encouraged and needed.
Misdiagnosis of patients receiving inhaled therapies in primary care
José Luis Izquierdo, Antonio Martín, Pilar de Lucas, et al
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , 2010, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S11123
Abstract: diagnosis of patients receiving inhaled therapies in primary care Original Research (3457) Total Article Views Authors: José Luis Izquierdo, Antonio Martín, Pilar de Lucas, et al Published Date July 2010 Volume 2010:5 Pages 241 - 249 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S11123 José Luis Izquierdo1, Antonio Martín2, Pilar de Lucas3, José Miguel Rodríguez-González-Moro3, Carlos Almonacid1, Alexandra Paravisini2 1Pneumology Department, University Hospital of Guadalajara, 2Pfizer Medical Department, 3Pneumology Department, University Hospital Gregorio Mara ón, Madrid, Spain Aim: To analyze the accuracy of diagnosis in a population receiving inhaled therapies due to respiratory diseases in a primary care setting. Method: Noninterventional, multicenter, cross-sectional, observational epidemiologic study methodology. Results: A total of 9752 subjects were evaluated. Of these, 4188 (42.9%) patients were diagnosed with asthma, 4175 (42.8%) with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and 1389 had a diagnosis of disease of unknown origin. Of those over the age of 40 years, 4079 (50.9%) had COPD and 2877 (35.9%) had asthma. Sixty percent of the subjects were men, and the proportion of men was higher in patients with COPD (83.2%) than in the group with asthma (39.8%, P < 0.0001). Of subjects with COPD, 17.3% had mild, 55.3% had moderate, 24.1% had severe, and 3.2% had very severe disease. With regard to the level of severity of asthma, 34.9% of subjects had intermittent, 34.6% had mild persistent, 27.1% had moderate persistent, and 3.5% had severe persistent disease. Only 13.9% of patients in the COPD group had all the characteristics of COPD based on the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease criteria and an absence of the characteristics of asthma. Conclusions: The majority of patients receiving inhaled therapy in primary care did not have an accurate diagnosis according to current international guidelines for COPD and asthma. More initiatives for improving diagnostic accuracy in respiratory diseases must be implemented in primary care.
Modified BODE indexes: Agreement between multidimensional prognostic systems based on oxygen uptake
José Luis Lopez-Campos, Pilar Cejudo, Eduardo Marquez, et al
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , 2010, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S8827
Abstract: dified BODE indexes: Agreement between multidimensional prognostic systems based on oxygen uptake Original Research (3586) Total Article Views Authors: José Luis Lopez-Campos, Pilar Cejudo, Eduardo Marquez, et al Published Date May 2010 Volume 2010:5 Pages 133 - 140 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S8827 José Luis Lopez-Campos, Pilar Cejudo, Eduardo Marquez, Francisco Ortega, Esther Quintana, Carmen Carmona, Emilia Barrot Unidad Médico-Quirúrgica de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío, Seville, Spain Aim: It has been recently shown that the original BODE index has a high degree of correlation with two modified BODE indexes using maximal oxygen uptake expressed either as mL/min/kg (mBODE) or as the percentage predicted (mBODE%). In this study we investigated the agreement between the two modified BODE indexes (mBODE and mBODE%) in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: A total of 169 patients with stable COPD were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Differences between the two mBODE indexes were assessed using kappa coefficients and Bland-Altman plots. One out of every three patients underwent the six-minute walking test to investigate the agreement with the original BODE index. Results: Correlations between the two mBODE indexes with each other (r = 0.96, P < 0.001) and with the original BODE index (mBODE r = 0.88, P < 0.001; mBODE% r = 0.93, P < 0.001) were excellent. However, the two mBODE indexes were significantly different from each other (mBODE 5.27 ± 2.3 versus mBODE% 4.31 ± 2.5; P < 0.001). The kappa coefficients were significantly lower (entire study group k = 0.5, P < 0.001) for every GOLD stage. The mean difference between the two mBODE indexes was 0.8 ± 0.6 units. Differences with the original BODE were higher for the mBODE (1.8 ± 0.9) than for the mBODE% (0.6 ± 0.8). Conclusions: The new mBODE indexes are highly correlated but significantly different from each other. The differences between the novel indexes deserve further scrutiny.
Lack of association of ischemic heart disease with COPD when taking into account classical cardiovascular risk factors
José Luis Izquierdo, Arturo Martínez, Elizabet Guzmán, et al
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , 2010, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S14063
Abstract: ck of association of ischemic heart disease with COPD when taking into account classical cardiovascular risk factors Original Research (4013) Total Article Views Authors: José Luis Izquierdo, Arturo Martínez, Elizabet Guzmán, et al Published Date November 2010 Volume 2010:5 Pages 387 - 394 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S14063 José Luis Izquierdo, Arturo Martínez, Elizabet Guzmán, Pilar de Lucas, José Miguel Rodríguez Pulmonology Department, Hospital Universitario, Guadalajara, Spain; Pulmonology Department, Hospital Gregorio Mara ón, Madrid, Spain Abstract: The aim of our study is to determine whether chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an independent risk factor for ischemic heart disease and whether this association is related with a greater prevalence of classical cardiovascular risk factors. Ours is a case-control cross-sectional study design. Cases were hospital patients with ischemic heart disease in stable phase, compared with control hospital patients. All patients underwent post-bronchodilator (PBD) spirometry, a standardized questionnaire, and blood analysis. COPD was defined as per GOLD PBD forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) < 0.70. In our series of patient cases (n = 204) and controls (n = 100), there were 169 men in the case group (83%) and 84 in the control group (84%). Ages were 67 and 64 years, respectively (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences by weight, body mass index (BMI), pack-years, leukocytes, or homocysteine. The abdominal perimeter was significantly greater in cases (mean 101 cm ± standard deviation [SD] 10 versus 96 cm ± 11; P < 0.000). Both groups also had significant differences by C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen, and hemoglobin values. In univariate analysis, increased risks for cases to show with individual classical cardiovascular risk factors were seen, with odds ratio (OR) 1.86 and 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.04–3.33) for diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (OR 2.10, 95% CI: 1.29–3.42), arterial hypertension (OR 2.47, 95% CI: 1.51–4.05), and increased abdominal perimeter (OR 1.71, 95% CI: 1.06–2.78). Percent predicted PBD FEV1 was 97.6% ± 23% in the patient group and 104% ± 19% in the control group (P = 0.01), but the prevalence of COPD was 24.1% in cases and 21% in controls. Therefore, COPD was not associated with ischemic heart disease: at the crude level (OR 1.19, 95% CI: 0.67–2.13) or after adjustment (OR 1.14, 95% CI:0.57–2.29). In conclusion, COPD was not associated with ischemic heart disease. The greater prevalence of classical cardiovascular risk factors in COPD patients could explain the higher occurrence of ischemic heart disease in these patients.

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